
The Dream Machine Boxing Ring is Non-Profit Organization based in Los Angeles county in the City of Compton. The organization is a boxing fitness program that helps and encourage the youth(s) to feel good about themselves, assist in building confidence, courage, and teaching how to overcome their fears. The program helps youths with obesity, stress, and depression that might cause them to isolate themselves from others. The Dream Machine Boxing Ring Organization also encourage parent(s) or organizations, that are dealing with at risk youths, troubled youths, youths that are in group homes, youths that are from single parent living, youths in low income family living, to contact organizational team.This is an organizational program that can  assist in providing: encouragement to youths,while teaching youths  that there's a more positive outlet other than, being in street gangs, bullying,or street violence. Our organization primary target is to meet the needs of the youths in a more positive way,through fitness training,boxing,and team development skills.We welcome all youth's that are interested in fitness training, boxing, and team development skills, to come and be apart of the organizational program.The organizational program also provides a great opportunity to teach youths how to build relationships,with others whether  it's in a team environment, in their community, school, or another organization. We are a Christian based program that is motivated by the Word of God, in efforts to give to the youths through our organizational program.